Deck translation for Magic: The Gathering
✓ 2024-09-15
- Improved card detection by ignoring diactritics (é, ö, ç, ñ, etc)
✓ 2024-09-10
- Added fuzzy search capabilities on card mode
- Automatic language detection
- Greatly improved translation speed
- Visual improvements
✓ 2024-03-27
- Added a contact form
✓ 2024-03-24
- Fixed card name errors in the result when a card name is included in another (eg: Gedankenwirbel and Gedankenwirbelstein)
✓ 2024-03-03
- Fixed card name detection when there are blank spaces at the beginning of the line
✓ 2024-03-01
- Fixed case insensitive search with non-ASCII characters (é,ö, etc)
✓ 2024-02-16
- Improved card name detection to ignore what's after card name
✓ 2024-01-21
- Improved translation speed
✓ 2024-01-14
- Overhauled visual styles
✓ 2023-12-20
- Persist translation mode and language choice